Balbir Madhopuri was born in 1955 in Punjab. He is a well-known Punjabi Writer, Journalist and Translator. Balbir has translated several books in Punjabi including Lajja by Taslima Nasreen. He has edited several books of Punjabi for Publications Division, Ministry of I & B. He regularly contributes to ‘The Ajit’ and ‘The Punjabi Tribune’ He has won several awards and honours,






I want to live with you
As a plant lives with soil
Greenery with leaves
Scenery with eyes.

Life !
I want to have such an
Emotional relation with you
As a fish with the sea
Warmth with the Sun
Flower with Scent.

Life !
I want to pass through
The ups and downs
As a boat passes
Through waves
Some mountain shepherd
Through the lows and highs of the hills.

Life !
I wish daily
To became a
Cloud over hot deserts
On spread my wings
Over the little ones
Of the birds
Shivering with cold.

Life !
I want to become so vast
As a form of seven seas
A sun of the rainbow
A tree flush will green leaves.

Life !
I want to live with you
As a plant lives with soil
Greenery with leaves
Scenery with eyes.

